What is BDD disorder?

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What is BDD disorder?

BDD or Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental disorder characterized by an abnormal concern over one’s body image. A person diagnosed with BDD is often preoccupied with negative thoughts regarding some flaws in his/her body. These flaws may be very minor or even non-existent. With all the negative thoughts and feelings towards one’s body image, people with BDD often resort to anti-social behavior such as isolation and/or withdrawal. Most people with BDD are also prone to undergo depression and anxiety-related concerns.

Persons who have BDD are obsessed with how they look and often worry about some flaws or look into the mirror for several hours each day. Their supposed body defects and flaws make them feel very inferior and there’s a need for them to check on these flaws constantly throughout the day. With so much attention and time given to their obsession to their body image, BDD often causes disruptions in the persons’ daily life. Many BDD sufferers are unable to do what they are supposed to do for any given day just because they are constantly checking on their flaws. Their negative thoughts about their bodies also render them unable to perform their supposed tasks. With deep-rooted insecurities, people with BDD often isolate themselves and not mingle with other people and this is for the simple reason that they fear that others would judge them for their flaws.

BDD may affect different people with varying age and personalities though it is said to be common starting from the teenage years up to early adulthood. It is said that at these stages in life, people are more conscious with their bodies, the way they look, and the way they are perceived by other people. When negative body image is not addressed at these stages, then people will be predisposed to developing body dysmorphic disorder. The causes of BDD may be biological, psychological, or environmental in nature. Whatever the cause is, early detection is desired to alleviate the symptoms early. In terms of treatment, persons with BDD may be given medication or may be advised to undergo behavioral therapy.

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